Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Research into advertising a newspaper

I have looked into the advertising of newspapers as I am going to produce an advertisement for my newspaper, in a poster format. I have searched to try and find examples of these types of advertisements but there are very few as not many newspapers advertise in this way. However I have managed to find a few examples that the Guardian newspaper have produced.
The posters the Guardian have produced are all in the same theme, so that when the audience see each one they all know that it is related to the Guardian newspaper. The posters consist of brightly coloured patterns on a blank background it also includes a blurb which is also brightly coloured to make both this and the picture striking and appealing to the audience. Also situated on the poster is the Guardian’s website, this is in the classic Guardian colours so that the audience can understand that it is an advertisement for the Guardian newspaper.
The Guardian have obviously have considered their target audience when producing these posters as they have understood that their main target are younger people and have therefore used the bright colours, the font type and the modern style. All of which would entice this audience type. Also the blurb which is used I also think will attract this target audience: “When you’re owned by no one, no one controls what you say. You’re free to say whatever needs to be said. Inconvenient for some. Great for the rest of us.” This would attract this audience as it makes them feel that they can speak their mind and get their opinions across, which could attract most audiences but I feel the younger audiences even more so.
I have also research into what makes a good advertising poster. It is important for me to take into account the following steps: Not to use too much text as it will overwhelm the audience and will also make the poster look dull. I also need to make sure that I make use of the space efficiently as blank spaces could make the poster look unfinished or bland. I also need to make sure that I am clear with the purpose of the poster, so that the audience understand what it is advertising. I also need to use appropriate colours and an effective layout to grab the attention of the audience. If I include these factors I am more likely to produce an effective poster.
Therefore when I begin to produce my poster I will make sure I try to follow the steps that I have researched to make a good advertisement and I will also take in to account the information I have found researching the Guardians advertising methods, such as making sure that I target my audience efficiently I must also think of a places I would place the poster to make sure my target audience would be able to view it, the most effective places would be around universities and shopping centres as they will be in an ideal location.

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