Thursday 6 January 2011

Second page article

A local schoolgirl saved an abandoned do that was left to starve in a derelict building near to the city centre. Stacey Jones heard the distressing whimpers from the dog as she passed the deserted factory on her way home from school yesterday afternoon.
Stacey, who attends St. Johns grammar school, bravely entered the desolate factory on Westminster Road, to help the terrified pup. “I had to try and help, nobody else was around and the dog sounded injured”.

She discovered the dog tied to a post with a raw neck and some back wounds. “It was heartbreaking, I immediately phoned the RSPCA as I needed to get the poor dog treated”. The RSPCA responded extremely quickly and rescued the wounded Shih Tzu. RSPCA member Dennis Milton told us “Stacey should be very proud, it’s young people like her who have the decency to help save these poor mistreated animals, and she did a noble thing and has saved this dog’s life.

After the courageous rescue, Dennis Milton and the rest of the team believed Stacey would be an ideal owner for the rescued Shih Tzu. “She has shown great compassion and has all our respect, I cannot think of a better candidate”. Stacey instantly agreed to look after the dog, after gaining permission and completing the adoption process Stacey gleefully took “Oscar” home. Oscar is now healthy and happy at the Jones residence. Stacey’s dad Steven told us: “It’s great to see how cheerful and fit Oscar is now especially as it was Stacey who made all this possible”.

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